Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Getting Your Own Website Up And Running

At some point, everyone who has used the internet has stopped for a moment and wondered how to make a website. The internet is a huge place, and creating a website is often considered to be making your 'mark' on the world. So how do you go about getting a website? Those who know how to do it often make it look easy -- way too easy. If you are not quite that web savvy however, the entire website creation process is probably a huge mystery to you. So, what do you do? Where do you start? Let's begin by reviewing the things that you will absolutely need if you are to create a decent website:

A Working Knowledge of the Internet

Understanding of Basic Internet Terminology

Some Idea of What you Want to Do

The third item we mention is extremely important. What do you what to do exactly? There are so many different possibilities which tend to change when you are building a personal website. You will be able to choose virtually anything you want, and you will be able to go with any theme. In addition to that, you can play around with different programming languages -- assuming you want to write your own code at all.

Yes, you heard us right. You don't HAVE to write your own code! There are so many tools on the market today that will allow you to create your own website without learning HTML, CSS, or even PHP. In addition to that you can even rent forum space so that your website users will have a discussion space.

Once you find the right software, you will need to do extensive testing to ensure that it not only shows up properly in your browser, but also that it displays well in EVERY browser(yes, even Internet Explorer). In addition to that, make sure the plugins you have opted for actually work -- this is harder than you think.

If you don't want to build your website period, you don't have to do that either! It might be difficult to believe, but you can actually create a website by choosing a theme and typing in a bit of content. It is true that you will not have much control over the content, but that should not stop you from experimenting with website creation. As you move forward, you will be able to add more customizations, and eventually build yourself a worthwhile website.

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The Process of Choosing The Right Logo Design

A logo is a signature, a representative and a symbol of the brand. It is supposed to be among the most valuable and precious assets of a company and business. It is the single element that will symbolize your brand more than anything else. A well designed logo is one that reflects your business and communicates your message to the targeted audience. It is important that, as the owner of a business, you have a custom logo design that is very simple, unique, memorable, versatile and able to work without color. These are the most important and noteworthy features and qualities of an effective and successful custom graphic emblem.

If you want to select the logo for your business, first of all you need to go for an affordable logo design. There are some important steps to go through, both by you and with a graphic designer. In this article let us mention and outline the designing process and some important guidelines to keep in mind when you, as the owner of a business are trying to select a logo for your business and when you are having a design being created by a designer.

For the creation and designing of your logo, you can choose a freelance designer, a design firm or even an advertising agency. When you are looking for affordable logo design, the best option for you would be to search on the internet and find a reputable and trustworthy design agency that offers such custom design services. It is not at all prudent to pay hundreds of dollars to a large advertising agency for a creative work that can be done by another designer at a fraction of the cost. If you search on the internet you would be able to find numerous design agencies. Just take your time, shortlist some of the most highly regarded and trustworthy design firms that you find on the internet. Then you have to check their portfolio and testimonials. Usually all the design services providers that offer affordable designing services have their own websites and they mention their portfolio, testimonials of clients and other information on their website. So you may be in a better position to make a decision after you see the sites of all the major custom logo design services providers. In this way, you would be able to receive good and quality work at the most reasonable and affordable prices.

Professional experts say that professional graphic designs are created from a simple strategy and approach. A web designer has to go through several discussions with the client. The benefit and advantage of this benefit is that the designer gets to know more about the preferences of the client and the requirements of the clients. Although the artist has to come up with something out of the box and different, but still he has to follow the instructions of the client. A positive and successful discussion between the client and the designer ensures that a highly appealing and original logo is created.

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Professional Web Design - A Need of the Modern Times

Time has been changing very fast and with these changes, the life style and daily requirements are changing very fast as well. People are experiencing deeper involvement in the money making practices or activities and that is why the business-oriented practices are increasing very fast. The availability of the Internet has been a boon for the modern men and women who can find hundreds of ways to make money sitting comfortably at their own home. Most of these activities are based on the uses and utilities of Internet where websites play a major role. Every company or individual is showing greater amount of interest towards these activities and that is why the demand of professional web design is increasing globally.

The task of website design is entirely technical and that is why it involves professional web designers and web developers. These two professionals are absolutely inevitable for the creation of a website and for its functioning on the Internet. The website designers prepare the design of the proposed websites and the developer launches it on the Internet with all its applications, services, and facilities. Most of these services and facilities are prepared and made available on the website only after getting the confirmation of the owners of the websites.

Though the major number of websites on the Internet are business oriented, there are still many websites which are not promotional by nature and they are basically used for spreading various types of information. Since they are not business oriented, they are not required to be created on the ideas of professional web design. These professional websites are created with all sorts of applications, services, and information about the facilities which the websites are supposed to provide to their subscribers or customers. There is no doubt that these websites are required to take care of the minutest thing which is related with the safety and security of the customers or subscribers.

The task of website design, as mentioned earlier, is carried out by professional web designers who make use of software which are responsible for creating various applications on the websites. The designers make use of Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, and some other applications or software to create different websites and facilitate them with various features, services, and facilities. However, the use of Flash,.Net, and JavaScript is also done to add some useful utilities to the websites under construction. Whenever you visit any website, you can certainly feel the work of the designers and developers in it.

The process of professional web design is completed in a few steps and each of these steps is inter-related. A website comes into life only after the work of the web designer and web developer is complete in every respect. It is worth noticing that a website comes into existence on the Internet only after the process of designing and development gets completed. The entire process is checked and verified at every step which can bring total success of the websites on the Internet.

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A Website Should Appear Professional With Stunning Designs

Website design is the art of making designs so that a website looks attractive and creative but at the same time is SEO friendly. An appealing website with good Website Design always attracts viewers. The essential goal of a website is to present useful information of a certain company's services and products to customers.

If viewers register a site to be informative and interesting they will surely revisit the site again and possibly be convinced to spend money on the services offered by the site.

The internet is a very fast growing market for business. The internet is a great place to earn money and sell goods and services. That is why website owners concentrate more on web designing. A web site should appear professional with stunning designs. To have an amazing website, it should have an attractive layout. However, it should not only be attractive but also be user friendly. That is why many website designers use a variety of coding language and plug ins such as Java Script, Flash, Quick Time, etc.

The two main types of websites in the designing process are static pages and dynamic pages. Static websites are generally those for a smaller company with a basic layout, they are cheap and quick to develop. Dynamic websites, on the other hand, can be expensive initially but hold several advantages later. Dynamic websites can make the most of a site and either use it as a tool or create a professional, interesting experience for visitors. They give the owner the ability to simply update and add new content to the site. Dynamic websites make a website more functional, easier to update and are generally used by larger, renowned companies.

It is important to remember that the web is ever-evolving with different web-browsers and search engines, each web browser deals with different websites in different ways. Every website designer needs to take this into account. Websites are also viewed in a wide variety of different formats, from different computer types, monitor sizes/formats and display settings, to different mobile devices such as smart phones, notebooks and hand-held tablets.

In a nutshell, website designing is the process of designing and presenting text, image and multimedia content so that it can be viewed over the World Wide Web. A website designer has to consider many important elements such as the information architecture, user interface, site structure, navigation, layout, colours, fonts, visuals, etc. The aim of a website designer is to produce a website that meets the necessities of the client and designer.

What Should You Learn About How To Start A Blog?   Providing Good User Experience   The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   

8 Tips On How To Choose The Right Web Design Company

Because almost everyone is online, business owners must understand that having an online presence will boost their company's sales performance to a whole new level. However, it is not enough to just create a website for your company. It must be creatively and strategically designed to attract online users and get them clicking the "Buy" button.

When looking to build an online presence or if you simply wish to improve an already existing one, it's highly recommended to hire a professional to do the job for you. A web design company can spell the difference between a boring, average website to an excellent one. Keep in mind that not all web design firms are equal. You might get a good one but may not be suitable for the task. Keep moving along and consider the following tips.

1. Know What You Want. Before getting a professional to design your website, get to know some crucial information. Have a solid figure or range in mind for the project's budget. Know what you want your website to do. Would you want it to promote your business, sell your product, simply keep your customers informed, or do all these? You also need to know your target audience, how your larger marketing plan will be affected by the web project. There should also be a designated point person for the project as well. Most web design firms can help you come up with the best arrangement and layout of pages, with the final approval all up to you.

2. Get some advice from other people. Once you have finalized how your website will function, ask around for people who know people. Colleagues, partners, business contacts, clients, may have recommendations for you.

3. Check those websites out. Once you have short listed potential firms, go ahead and visit their websites. Judge for yourself how good their sites are, click around if they are functional and user-friendly. Test drive them just as you would when shopping for a car. It only makes sense that a web building company's own site is its strongest selling tool and should not fall short of being perfect. Cross it out your list if you even find a minute flaw.

4. Examine their work portfolio. Call prospective companies and ask for sites they have worked on. Look for the effectiveness of the website, know if it can capture it's intended market. Check for creativeness as well. Avoid web designs set on a couple of themes or styles. Determine if the site is well thought out.

5. Know how they work. Your prospective web design company should sit down with you, know what you want and how to get it done. They should spend a great deal of time knowing how your website will work for your business. In addition, the company should be able to offer you other services like SEO, pay-per-click management, Internet marketing campaigns, just to name a few.

6. Check out their track records. Bear in mind that a good and stable web design company should be in business for at least 2 years. They should also have references that you can check out for yourself.

7. Know the pricing details. There are companies that charge an hourly rate, some charge per project. There should be a limit if it's an hourly job to prevent the costs from getting to high.

8. Get a clear proposal. Narrow down your list to at least 3 or 4 candidates and request for a detailed proposal. The proposal should be clear, concise, and includes all services covered. Most importantly, the proposal should have the price. Once you've gone through all these steps, you are all set to work with the web design firm of your choice.

What Should You Learn About How To Start A Blog?   Providing Good User Experience   The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   

Emerging Mobile Market and Its Impact on User Experience

The industry recognized as the mobility industry is growing with leaps and bounds. It is one industry that exemplifies an ideal marriage of business with technology. As per a report by Accenture for the year 2010, the number of mobile subscribers exceeds 3 billion and more than one billion new subscriptions have been added in the last few years.

It has also been observed that the growth is triggered by consumers in matured markets comprising of industrialized nations. These markets are increasingly being exhausted resulting in mobile companies all attentive towards emerging markets like India and China. It would not be wrong to say that the emerging markets are more actively attracted to mobile technology than markets that can be considered mature. Mobile companies face multiple challenges while serving the emerging markets. Let us look at some of the impacts of mobility on user experience.

Impact 1: Mobile Phones have moved from 'nice to have... ' to 'necessary to have... ' It has been observed that the mobile phones have moved from an era where they were considered 'nice to have... ' to 'necessary to have... 'Even people falling in the lowest income group in these emerging economies feel the need to possess mobile handsets. Realizing this need mobile manufacturers are packing mobile handsets with sophisticated yet cost effective features like low costs, robust structures and host of other features like - flashlight, radio, waterproof, dust-proof, recharging using renewable source of energy.

Impact 2: Increasing trend of mobile gaming and online viewing A mobile device is a portable that offers convenience of use. When combined with internet services, the mobile device becomes a preferred device for entertainment. Gaming, online viewing of entertainment channels is common functions for which mobile phones are being increasingly used. In gaming a trend is being observed where players are moving from standalone gaming to multi-player on line gaming.

Impact 3: Mobile Reading An increasing trend of mobile reading has been observed. Mobile reading refers to a service where a book or any other publication is read on a mobile device. E-readers, PDA's or smart phones are increasingly replacing physical books. In China mobile reading is one of the prominent activities that consumers indulge in.

Impact 4: Social Networking on Mobile Devices Access to social networking sites on mobile devices is experiencing phenomenal rise especially users falling under the younger age group. This has been observed in both mature as well as emerging economies. Easy availability of 3G networks is creating new opportunities for social networking sites.

Impact 5: Mobile Advertising Another important trend that has been observed in emerging markets has been mobile advertising. Mobile advertising in both standalone and multi-platform campaigns is increasingly picking up.

Impact 6: Mobiles for Financial Activities Users are increasingly using mobile phones to carry out financial transactions. Mobile banking takes the lead in financial functions. Mobile banking allows easy access to financial services which may not be otherwise possible in emerging markets. Banking institutions are also promoting banking using mobile devices for the return on investments are much higher as compared to opening a physical branch in an area.

Providing mobile services to a large number of people in emerging markets is an economically and socially promising move. Mobile technology can be harnessed by companies to reach out to a large number of people.

What Should You Learn About How To Start A Blog?   Providing Good User Experience   The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   

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